
Friday, April 26, 2013

The Non-Fiction Giveaway Hop

This Giveaway is hosted by Rikki's Teleidoscope.

I didn't quite remember exactly how I came across to this giveaway, or Rikki's blog. But I'm happy I found it. As much as I enjoy reading fiction, I enjoy reading non-fiction too. Most of them would be a self-help/self-development/self-motivation or whatever that is. Sometimes I like reading religion book. Or a coffee-table book. Sometimes I enjoy knitting or crocheting, although I can't remember when was the last time I did it. And ... I enjoy food. Therefore I enjoy going through pages of recipe books. ^^

Knowing that 99% of book bloggers and book lovers I've met/known are into fiction, I wonder what they'd choose when they want to read a non-fiction. :)

And for the prize, I'm giving you 7 choices.

Since I'm from Indonesia, I'm going to introduce you to Indonesian yummy food. :)

As for the giveaway, there will be ONE winner who gets to choose ONE paperback copy of 7 books mentioned above from The Book Depository. So yes, this is INTERNATIONAL as long as The Book Depository ships to your country (you can check it here). For US winner, I might order it from Amazon.

To enter, just fill out the Rafflecopter. 
Good luck! ^^

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Remember to hop to the blogs. Good luck!
Rikki’s Teleidoscope (Int’l)
The Book Garden (Int’l)
Curiosity killed the bookworm (Int’l)
Ex urbanis (Int’l)
Bookchickdi (US)
Snow Feathers (Int’l)
Buku-Buku Didi (Int’l)
Doing Dewey (US)
Saving in seconds (US)


  1. I like the do it yourself books personally

  2. Thank you for participating. I like to read DIY especially craft books,

  3. Hobbies&Crafts, Self-help, and basically anything creativity related. (I love Wreck This Journal a lot! Or any other Keri Smith's). Also photography, which I never purchased myself 'cause they're mostly expensive. :-)

  4. Hi,
    I just hopped to your site :) Thanks for participating.

    I like history books. And I study history.

  5. I like a variety of NF: history, biography, memoir, social science and more.

  6. I like to read Self-help and Untold History.

  7. any arts-related NF book (knitting/crochet, embroidery, paints, etc.), autobiographies/biographies, memoirs, recipe books, history (anything about pirates, the medieval period or Elizabeth I)...

  8. Thank you for participating. I'd love to win one of the Indonesian cook books. Preferably the one with more vegetarian dishes.

  9. Thank you for the giveaway! I am mostly into biographies and memoirs, and I enjoy Alain de Botton's non-fiction books quite a lot :)

  10. I like to read historical or self-help books.

  11. I enjoy sports biographies and books about theology.

  12. I usually read science books - Biology mostly

  13. I like to read everything. Looking over at my book shelf, it looks like I have more history books, biographies, cookbooks, and psychology books. I literally read anything with words so I like all kinds of books :D

    Thank you for the chance to enter the giveaway and I hope everyone has a very happy day!

    Shelly H.

  14. I love to read cookbooks and science books :)
    Thank you for the giveaway :)

  15. I love cruising through cookbooks looking for something new and different to make..

  16. since i <want to start to sew i would love the book yo cited about that ^^ it would be a great start again on non fiction book^^

    tjank you a lot

  17. A good memoir or history book can peak my interest, otherwise perusing cookbooks (despite not being much of a cook myself, my partner does the cooking in our household) keeps me busily entertained! :D

  18. I love to read or correctly I must say, drolling over a cookbook. Not because I'll cook it but just to imagine the taste ....
    Ah, the good ol' day...... snifting book and imagining good comfort food. These diabetes is killing me coz my favorite is sugary delight ;p

  19. I love cookbooks, but I think history is my favorite. I love reading well researched historical fiction, and it's so interesting to then learn about the real facts.

  20. I'd like to win one of the cookbooks please. My choice for non fiction would be history/travel.

  21. I like books that teach handicrafts and such, like origami or sewing (knitting and crocheting are my thing)...

  22. History, travel, cookbooks, biography, you name it!

  23. I like to read cookbooks and history books for non-fiction. Biographies are great too

  24. I love to read history, travel, books and science books

  25. I like biographies, and science books.

  26. I love DIY, biographies & cookboos

  27. Thanks for entering the giveaway, everyone. ^^
