Thursday, January 31, 2013

Birthday Anniversary Giveaway

Happy Birthday to Me!!

I can't believe I've finally reached age 31 when I don't feel like one, and certainly that's what some of my friends said when what they actually meant was I don't act like one. Hahahaha... Well, what can I do anyway? One of my girlfriend who's 6 years younger than me got so annoyed when her client thought I'm 23 and she's 24. She said it's because I'm so immature. Whatever. *lol
But truly, at this age, I still feel I haven't achieved something great. There are so many things I need to catch up or to achieve. I realized I made mistakes and wasted so much time in my younger years. So I believe it really is time for me to grow up, to be more mature enough for my age. As for my this year birthday wish, I want:
  • to graduate this year because I want my parents to attend the graduation ceremony (which is on August/September)
  • to get married (as my parents getting older and I'm the only child who haven't got married, I know they really want to see me married. Perhaps it's not a very good reason to get married, but well, it's something I want to).
  • to get a permanent job (hopefully as a psychologist)
  • to start a business with my sister
  • to be financially independent (as in not in a tight budget whenever I want to buy books! :D)

But of course sometimes, when I'm in the process of achieving something, things happen. There are always the up-and-down moments. There are moments when I feel insecure or uncertain whether I could have it or not. And when inferiority struck me, well, most of the time books are my getaway. Usually I feel so much better afterward, especially after when I read a story that inspire me. That's on the reason why I have certain all time favorite books. Or favorite heroes/heroines. It's on how their characters inspired me. 

It's been for years that I give myself book(s) as birthday present. Usually, I buy book I wanted for so long but not badly wanting it. Mostly, as my birthday present, I choose book which I love the cover so much, but don't really bother with the inside. You know, the kind of book that looks great on your shelf. I'd call it a looks-great-in-my-shelf book (instead of coffee table book). :D
How about you? Did you ever do the same thing? Do you give yourself a book(s) for your own birthday present? What kind of book do you usually buy? I'd love to hear your story.

And as for giveaway, since my birthday is at 30th, I'd choose 3 winners to have a chance to win book of their own choice worth up to (max) $10 from The Book Depository. I love to relate things with certain numbers. So it's like 3x10=30 (which is my birthday date). :)
It's international as long as The Book Depository ships to your country (you can check it here)

I actually wanted to post it right on January 30th on Indonesia time, but I didn't have much time. And the reason why I choose to end the giveaway on March 2nd is because it's my little sister birthday. :)

So come and enter the rafflecopter. 
Thanks for stopping by and read this rambling thing. ^^

PS: I'm still learning in this blogging and HTML stuff so I don't know how exactly to put the link for my button. Hahahaha... I promise I'll update it soon. ;)

Birthday Giveaway @ Buku-Buku Didi

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you want to shop from The Book Depository or AMAZON, please be kindly use the affiliate link at the right side bar, or just click any word The Book Depository in this blog. All earnings and commissions support giveaways in this blog. More earnings more giveaways. Thank you. :) 


  1. Young adult and historical fantasy type. Happy Birthday and may all your wishes come true.

  2. I'd choose young adult of any kind. There's a bunch on my TBR list I can't wait to read.

  3. Young Adult! Thanks and Happy Birthday! :)

  4. Oh my gosh, there are SO MANY YA books on my wishlist right now, I don't know where to even start xD

  5. Happy birthday and thanks for the giveaway! :) I want to get the books on my wishlist, and there's a ton of them! They're mostly YA by the way.

  6. Happy Birthday!!!

    I often buy myself a book for my birthday too because if i don't do it the chance are high i won't receive anything ( i'm often forgotten^^;;) so i would pick a book from my wish list but wish one i can't tell now... my birthday is in march so i have a littel time to decide and i will probably add even more book until then^^

    thank you a lot for sharing with us

  7. Happy birthday!!! thanks for the giveaway!
    my favorite book is romance and fantasy but it's been a long time since I read fantasy... Maybe I should going back to them ;p

  8. Hi! Happy Birthday!
    Thanks for this chance! I would probably pick up a paranormal romance stories from either Kresley Cole or maybe Gena Showalter!

  9. I'm not sure, probably a book I've wanted for a while (but there are so many). :)

  10. Well I'll buy books I've wanted for a while and believe me there are a lot of those... They are mostly old releases that I've seen somewhere at some point..
    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  11. Aww I love birthdays! *throws confetti* HAPPY (Belated) BIRTHDAY =D Today's my birthday actually!! And every year for my birthday I am handed a gold card from my parents and let loose in a book store!! I'm heading straight toward the YA section =)

  12. I want the latest Kate Daniels book! But it doesn't release till July. :/

  13. Happy and blessed birthday!! and I wish that you have many more to come... I would love to have fantasy young adult to adult books for my birthday.

  14. Loads of YA/crime mysteries. I am collecting Divergent, Under the Never Sky, The Selection, Across the Universe etc right now so loads of YA for me!


    raffle name: Nikki O

  15. Thank you so much for this fantastic giveaway! I would love to have the chance to read "the fallen series" by Lauren Kate and so these books would be my choice.

    Thank you and Happy Birthday x
    Email; lfountain1(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk

  16. Mostly Young Adult but sometimes New Adult (very rare). And it can be any genre, fantasy, crime, romance, drama :d As long as the cover of the book looks awesome and the inside of it (the story) it's better than the cover, I read it. Too bad I sometimes have to put the book I love down because I need to read school stuff (which most of the time I don't like).
    And Happy Belated Birthday!

  17. Mostly YA:) Thanks for the giveaway!:)Happy birthday:)

  18. I had my birthday in September and the books I bought were City of Bones and Shatter Me which both books have great heroines. I did love both books. Hopefully for this year I can buy more.

    Belated Happy Birthday!May all your wishes come true!Thanks for sharing your blessings to others. Bless you! :))

  19. Happy Birthday!
    I like to read classic and contemporary Ya books like Easy or Pushing the Limits :)
    Karina V

  20. Happy Birthday, Didi!!
    Wish you all the best :)
    I will chose new book from my favorite series, Calculation in Death by JD Robb or Lover at Last by J.R Ward!!

  21. Happy Birthday!!
    I buy mostly YA, and anything contemporary or PNR :)
    Lacey T

  22. Happy Birthday! :D
    I buy young adult books - paranormal, dystopian, or contemporary. (:

  23. Happy Birthday! :)
    I'd choose young adult books :) Thank you for the giveaway!

  24. Either some sort of YA book or a graphic novel. perhaps manga.

    Happy Birthday!

  25. "Matched" by Ally Condie...

  26. I would definitely choose young adult books :)
    Rafflecopter: Nara Lee

  27. This up coming 18th birthday of mine I'm gonna buy myself three books as a gift. Cascade and Torrent by Lisa Bergren and Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi. ;)

    -Riz B


  28. Didiiii darling
    happy bday woman ^^
    have a blast for ur bday
    i probably choose any books from Lara Adrian or Terry spear. thanks :)

  29. I'd choose any YA and horror.

  30. I buy a lot of indie and sale books just because of budgeting and this way I get more for my dollar. I do have some authors that I treat myself to on an annual basis. My birthday is right by Christmas so do not really do much, but Mother's Day I will usually treat myself to a fave. Happy Birthday to you and your sister. I hope the coming year brings you joy and progress on your goals and of course loads of good books :)

  31. Probably something for my son. :) He has a birthday coming up. Maybe the next in the Origami Yoda series, that teaches him how to make origami. That would be awesome.

  32. I love classics! But, lately I really want a historical fiction novel from Indonesian author Leila S. Chudori titled Pulang. So I think I would buy that book for my birthday (my birthday is next month, btw) :D
    Thanks for the giveaway and happy birthday!

  33. Usually I would choose contemporary young adults books, but for this year, I really want to buy Joshua's File boxset which is newly released by Gramedia. If anyone wants to give me that boxset as birthday present, I will be very happy. Ehehehe..

    Thanks for the giveaway and happy birthday!!!!!

  34. Historical Fiction, a fantasy or Dystopian book

  35. YA of course (I'm a big fan). Thanks a lot for the giveaway!

  36. Anything that is YA Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  37. because this day i love YA books, so i will choose some of my wish list on YA books.

  38. I would give young adult and fantasy books
    Thanks so much for the giveaway! :) Happy birthday!!!!!

  39. I like books that tell about animals, especially cats. I never made a wishlist book but it was not granted. There are at

    The books tells the story of the struggle, humor and all cat behavior. Well, maybe because I am a cat lover. Be called queen of Meow.

  40. I'd choose a dystopian book or a horror one. ;)

  41. i would young adult or adult.
    thanks for the giveaway,,and happy birthday for you ^^

  42. Happy Birthday!!!

    I choose YA dystopians :)

  43. Happy Birthday! Mine was last month.

    I would choose one of the pre-orders from my wishlist.

  44. I'd choose the A Song of Ice and Fire series for my birthday.

    Happy Birthday

  45. Happy birthday!!! I'll go with anything dystopian.

  46. I would love to complete the many series I've started =). So probably a sequel to a book I've read...

    Lilian @ A Novel Toybox

  47. Any kind of romance or fantasy books..or biographies :)
    Thank you!

  48. Happy Birthday to you--hope it's amazing!!

  49. I'd love anything science fiction or fantasy.

    -Jen Haile

  50. Romance, urban fantasy and historical. Or just anything I've seen that looks amazing.

  51. I'd probably choose adult books because I think I should widen my reading scope. Thank you. :)

  52. I would choose a young adult book, maybe paranormal

  53. Something Space Opera-y. I've been in the mood for one lately

  54. I would choose and classic that I haven't read and enjoy it!

  55. Happy Birthday!
    I'd choose YA books and some paranormal romance.

  56. dystopian book,thank you and happy bday :)

    I would choose a romance, new adult or paranormal romance book.

  58. I would love to get a preorder of Dead Ever After or Frost Burned!


  59. Uh hard to say! :) Maybe The Night Circus :)

  60. Absolutely Romantic Suspense books :D


  61. I would choose horror books. I love creepy stories! :)

    Happy birthday!

  62. I wouls choose YA or Mystery Books.


  63. Anything with romance- paranormal, historical, YA, suspense or mystery

  64. Happy Birthday.
    For myself I would choose Urban Fantasy books.

  65. Happy Birthday! :)

    Young adult & new adult, fantasy, and historical romance.

    (Carla C. on the rafflecopter)

  66. Happy Birthday! I'd choose The Indigo Spell or Destroy Me ^^


  67. young adult, romance, time period books

  68. young adult fantasy/paranormal books!

  69. I'd preorder a few books and get a few ebooks on my list! Too many to name:p Happy Birthday!

  70. Happy Birthday! Good luck accomplishing that wishlist :)

    I'd give YA and fantasy.

  71. Happy Birthday! I wish you much success in accomplishing your goals this year.

    I would pick something from any Fantasy, SciFi, or Romance, including all their subgenres. It could be either Adult or YA. Thanks for sharing your birthday with us!

  72. any kind of books - fantasy, young adult, mystery. but not non-fiction or self-help books

    thanks and happy birthday

  73. happy birthday, May Allah bless your life, and I want to join the GA, wish me luck ^_^

  74. young adult, paranolmal fantasy or urban fantasy

  75. happy birthday :D
    Thanks for amazing giveaway.

    Young Adult^^

  76. Happy Birthday!

    I would choose something in the dystopian genre. That is my current fav. I just moved on from vampires.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  77. I love Dystopian lately, or maybe Sci-Fi..

  78. Hard to say... Maybe some of the books that I love, but only own as ebooks, because they're expensive... Like books by Diana Gabaldon...

  79. Happy Birthday :D wishes all the best for you too.
    I love reading any genre of books, but lately I'm more interested in classic, historical fiction, thriller, and mystery also my all-time favorite is Fantasy (from YA, Dystopian, Urban Fantasy) -- any good stories will do :D

  80. My birthday is on January so for my birthday I buy myself January new release books.Usually January new releases are great books.

  81. adult book (romance) its must have! :D
    happ birthday ya ;)

  82. Young Adult! With a little bit of romance :)

  83. I'd like I'm A Good Dog in honor of my rescued pup, Rocket. Thanks!

  84. The hunger games.. I still haven't got round to reading them

  85. my favorite book is romance or metropop :) Happy B'day to you. wish u all the best :)

  86. Hmm, maybe i will wait for the "Divergent 3" - Covergent. Happy Birthday and nice blog!^^

  87. Cinder or Scarlet--any fractured fairy tail. Etiquette and Espionage--any steampunk book.

    cc_clubbs [at] yahoo [dot] com

  88. Happy b-day Mba Didi :D
    AKu pilih novel romens dong :)

  89. Happy Birthday!! I wish you many more and many books to read on your Special day!!

    I would choose a Paranormal YA!

  90. Happy birthday!!
    wish u all d best n wish I can win this :D
    n wish i can have this book too

  91. I would want a nice boxed set of books for my birthday, like the Hunger Games or something.

  92. Happy birthday! I think I'd choice a guilty pleasure for myself: Romance novels. :D

  93. Happy Birthday!!! I would want a free day to read and be pampered. I hope you have a great Birthday.

  94. I'd get kindle books...not sure which ones yet!

    Thanks so much!

  95. across the univer or opal by jennifer l.a

  96. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway.

  97. I would choose a New Adult romance book.

  98. I missed this giveaway- but I wanted to say that I wish you the best of luck on your goals for the next year. They sound great! :)
